HOUSEHOLD CHORES - men should do the same household chores as women, MOTHERHOOD - Motherhood is the best period in a woman´s life, FEMINISTS - Feminists today represent what most women think now, MALE CHAUVINISM - Male chauvinism will disappear in a few years, SEXUAL HARRASSMENT - Most women have suffered sexual harrassment in their lives, SALARY GAP - There is a salary gap between men and women, MATERNAL LEAVE - Men should have the same days a a woman on maternity leave, STRUGGLE - Women struggle more than men to get a better job, EQUAL RIGHTS - Women and men have equal rights in my country, FULL TIME JOBS - Women shouldn´t not have a full time job if they have children, GIFTED - Women are more gifted than men in some opportunities, TO HIRE - Every company should hire the same number of men than women,

Gender discussion

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