1. Experts say that our earliest ____ are from when we are about three and a half years old. 2. We usually ____ times when we were very happy, very sad, or very excited, or scared. 3. Photos and videos are great ways to ____ us about the past, but other things, sounds, and smells can ____ memories as well. 4. If you are a bit forgetful and you want to remember something, you should say it out loud, repeat it and write it down. After you do it several times, it will go from your ____ ____ to your ____ memory. 5. Our holiday was ____ for fabulous views of the mountains which surrounded our hotel. 6. We could see a group of people holding flowers near the war ____. 7. I had to ____ more than twenty important dates to get ready for a test in history. It took me about two hours, and I got very tired. 8. seeing Niagara Falls on a sunny day can be a truly ____ experience.

ODF1 U2 pp.14-15 What do we remember best?

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