X: Hi. How can I help you? Y: Two tickets for the 6 o’clock 3D show, please. X: Sure. Where ____ to sit? There are ____ free seats in the middle and at the back. Y: Somewhere in the middle, please. Do you offer student discounts? X: We do, but not for this movie, sorry – there ____ discounts for 3D movies. Y: Oh, I see. X: That’ll be £16. Here are your tickets. ____ show! I hope you’ll like it! Y: I’m sure we will. Thank you very much. A SNACK LIKE NO OTHER Do you want to eat a scorpion? When people ____ our question they are usually shocked. But our Dessert Scorpions in dark chocolate are simply delicious. At first, most people are ____ that they will never be brave enough to try our snack. But after they see and smell our little scorpions they usually change their minds. Our Dessert Scorpions are a great ____ for a birthday or any other occasion. MOON RUBBISH Twelve people have been on the Moon, so ____. Various machines have also been put on the Moon to study it, take photos or collect rocks. What happens with the machines once they break? Sadly, they have to ____ there. Scientists say that there are over 180,000 kilograms of rubbish on the Moon. But it’s not only machines. “Moon rubbish” includes, for example, old boots, backpacks, empty packages of food or… golf balls. It’s too expensive and dangerous to ____ it all back to Earth, but scientists hope the situation will change in the future. Last weekend I went shopping for clothes, because I needed a new pair of trainers. It was a real nightmare! The shopping centre was busy with people and I stood in a ____ for 30 minutes! I asked the cashier if I could pay ____ card, but she said they only accepted cash. I spend another half hour looking for an ATM (bankomat). When I finally found one, it was out of ____ ! Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson are celebrating their 30th ____ anniversary this week. They are going to organise a party for their family and friends. Their daughter is preparing a special gift for her parents: a picture book with photographs showing Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson from the day they got ____ until now. She said it was very difficult to collect all of ____ photos and keep them a secret.

Dialogue egzamin osmoklasisty marzec 2019

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