1) This is … banana. a) a b) the c) an d) - 2) This is … taxi. … taxi is red. a) a-an b) an-the c) a-the d) – 3) She … the piano often. a) is playing b) will play c) plays d) did play 4) It … snow last Sunday. a) didn’t b) wasn’t c) isn’t d) won’t 5) The boys must do everything … . a) himself b) yourself c) yourselves d) themselves 6) This is … friend. a) he b) my c) i d) we 7) She … taken the bag. a) have b) has c) is d) - 8) We … children. a) is b) are c) am d) - 9) Telephone boxes … brown. a) is b) are c) am d) - 10) … often visit their friends. a) The Browns b) Browns c) Browns' d) The Browns’ 11) His daughter … a computer. a) have got b) has got c) have d) has 12) There is … orange in the box. a) a b) some c) an d) - 13) There are … flowers in the vase. a) an b) a c) some d) - 14) There are … sweets in the vase. a) many b) much c) any d) - 15) There is … flour in the packet. a) any b) many c) much d) - 16) The boy is … the house. a) between b) in c) on d) under 17) There … a bed near the window. a) are b) is c) were d) am 18) He has a pen in his hand. … pen is red. a) this b) these c) that d) those 19) She looks at the dolls. … dolls are on the sofa. a) those b) that c) this d) these 20) He … make the bed. a) may b) can c) should d) could 21) You must … a letter. a) to write b) write c) writing d) wrote 22) … the floor? a) She washed b) Was she wash c) Did she wash d) Were she wash 23) Peter is … than Jack. a) strong b) stronger c) the strongest d) strongest 24) This music group is popular. But the … group is the “Beatles” a) popular b) most popular c) more popular d) the popularest

Funny English 5th Grade

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