1) There are a lot of ... in this zoo. a) animals b) wildlife 2) I sit at my ... to do my homework. a) furniture b) desk 3) How much ... have you got?  a) homework b) project 4) I’m very hungry. Do you have any ... ? a) food b) meals 5) The journey was very easy because there wasn’t much ... . a) car b) traffic 6) Did you hear the ... ? a) news b) article 7) I don't have much ... about the exam. a) information b) details 8) How many ... are included when you stay at this hotel? a) meals b) food 9) The government should pass a law to protect the ... and its habitat. a) wildlife b) animals 10) There’s a good ... in this magazine. a) article b) news 11) We have some ... staying at the moment. a) guests b) members 12) I like all my ... at school. a) contacts b) classmates 13) Of all my friends, my ... is Sophie. a) relative b) best friend 14) Are you a ... of this club? a) member b) penfriend 15) I have a big family, so I have a lot of ... . a) close friends b) relatives 16) I have over 100 ... on social media. a) contacts b) guests 17) Sarah has a ... who lives in France. a) penfriend b) contact 18) James lives in Spain. He's ... of mine. a) a guest b) an old friend 19) I like Ryan Reynolds, ... I didn’t enjoy his last film. a) so b) but 20) We could stay at home ... we could go to the cinema. a) or b) and 21) The singing in the musical was terrible ... I left before the film finished. a) because b) so 22) I like watching adventure films ... they are funny and exciting. a) because b) while 23) Jim thinks ... the Hunger Games films are better than the books. a) that b) or 24) My parents went out for dinner ... we were watching the film. a) or b) while 25) We usually go to Franco’s ... they serve the best pizza. a) where b) so 26) Have you ... camped under the stars? a) ever b) never 27) I’ve ... climbed a tree. a) ever b) never 28) Have your parents ... tried rock climbing? a) ever b) never 29) Peter has ... finished his homework on time. a) ever b) never 30) We have ... picked wild fruit. a) ever b) never 31) I have ... kayaked down a river. a) ever b) never 32) Has Sara ... cooked a meal for her parents? a) ever b) never 33) There’s ... new café near my house. a) a b) the 34) ... first play I ever saw was really good. a) A b) The 35) Paris is ... most beautiful city in the world. a) a b) the 36) There’s ... old church in our neighbourhood. a) the b) an 37) Do you want to go to ... new art gallery? It’s opening today. a) a b) the 38) I go running in ... park every morning. a) an b) the 39) My parents have got ... new car. a) an b) a 40) Don’t forget ... all your holiday photos. a) to upload b) uploading 41) He hopes ... camping with some classmates. a) to go b) going 42) Thank you very much for ... our neighbour yesterday. a) help b) helping 43) I didn’t finish ... all my new files so I’ll do it today. a) to save b) saving 44) She’s getting better at ... in touch with her penfriends. a) keep b) keeping 45) Do you miss ... time with your old friends? a) to spend b) spending 46) ... a party takes a lot of time. a) Organising b) Organise

Prepare 3. Big Review-2

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