1) Someone cuts in front of you in line a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 2) Your pet dies a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 3) You don't get to be first (in line, in a game, etc.) a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 4) You lose a game a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 5) A tornado or hurricane a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 6) Some kids have been calling you names every day even though you've asked them to stop a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 7) You fell off the jungle gym and broke your arm a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 8) A classmate is kicking your chair a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 9) A classmate kicked you really hard on purpose a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 10) You hit a classmate and have to go to the principal's office a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 11) You want to play tag, but your friends want to play hide and seek a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 12) One of your parents was in a bad car accident and is in the hospital a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 13) You throw up a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 14) You can't remember your login for the computer a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 15) You don't understand the math problem you're working on a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 16) The building is on fire a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 17) You ask every kid at recess if you can play with them, and they all say, "No! We don't want to play with you!" a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 18) A student accidentally stepped on your foot a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 19) You get put into a group with a student you don't like a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 20) Someone took your backpack and won't give it back a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 21) Your teacher gives a you a strawberry cupcake but you wanted a lemon cupcake a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 22) Another student cuts your assignment in half on purpose a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 23) Your best friend is moving to a new school a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 24) Your brother took your toy and won't give it back a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 25) You flush the toilet and the water in the toilet bowl overflows a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 26) You tell some friends you like Pokemon, and they say, "Ew. Pokemon is stupid!" a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 27) You are telling a story and someone interrupts you a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 28) Someone lies and says you did something that you did not do a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 29) You really want to be the class helper, but the teacher gives that job to someone else a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 30) You ask one kid to play with you at recess, and that kid says, "No." a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 31) You are playing baseball in P.E. and you strike out a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 32) You hate to subtract but you have to do a subtraction problem a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 33) You give an answer in class, but your answer is wrong a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 34) Your best friend tells you she doesn't want to be friends with you any more a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 35) A kid sticks his tongue out at you a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 36) Another student is talking while you are trying to concentrate in class a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 37) Someone gives you a gift you don't like a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 38) You are playing Uno and someone makes you "Draw four" a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 39) You accidentally get hit by a soccer ball and your nose is bleeding a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 40) Some students behind you are talking in line instead of walking quietly down the hallway a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 41) You have to be at school when you want to be at home playing video games a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 42) It is time to pack up. You haven't finished your drawing and really want to finish it. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 43) Your sister let you borrow her phone, and you drop it and the screen shatters a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 44) You brought $20 to school, and you reach into your pocket at the end of the day and it's not there a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 45) You let a friend borrow your iPad. They drop it and break the screen. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 46) You say "hi" to a kid and the kid doesn't say "hi" back. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 47) A kid flicks you in the ear every time he sees you even though you've asked him not to. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 48) There is a big storm and a tree falls on your car. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 49) Your teacher falls over in class. She is laying on the floor and is not moving. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 50) Someone steals your snack. You are really hungry. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 51) Your teacher makes you sit out for five minutes during recess. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 52) The kid next to you in class is being silly and not following directions. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 53) You want to talk about dogs but your friends want to talk about cats. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 54) You have a really itchy rash. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 55) Another student stabs your hand with a pencil. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 56) You have a really bad headache. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 57) There is an earthquake. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 58) The librarian tells you to talk quietly in the library. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 59) Your dog ran away and has been gone for days. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 60) You hear two students cussing. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem 61) In art class you get yellow paint on your new pants. a) Small problem b) Medium problem c) Big problem

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