____ means what you leave behind. The Romans passed on many achievements in engineering, architecture, governance, law, language, and the arts. The Romans were fantastic builders and they invented ____. In architecture, they designed domes, ____ and arches which are still used in modern buildings such as the ____ in Dublin. Roman ____ developed techniques to build roads, bridges and aqueducts, many of which are still used today. The water from the ____ allowed the Romans to improve sanitation and public health in their cities. They developed a system of ____ where waste from public toilets flowed through a central channel into a nearby river to keep the city clean. Many modern sanitation systems are based on the Roman one. Romans had a ____ system to look after the poorer citizens. The government provided aid in the form of grain called ____ and this idea of assisting people is common in most countries today. In law and government they introduced the belief that all citizens are ____ until proven guilty and used a system of government that the ____ system is broadly based on today. The Romans spoke ____ and this had a major impact on the ____ of languages in Europe. ____, French and Romanian are some of the languages that developed from Latin and today a quarter of the world speaks ____ languages. The Roman emperor ____ introduced a new calendar with ____ years called the Julian calendar and it is the basis of the Gregorian calendar we use today. As well as this, Roman ____ were used as the main number system in Europe until the Middle Ages and are still used today on watches and clocks. The Romans were polytheists but when Emperor ____ became Christian in the 4th century the Romans helped spread Christianity throughout Europe. Christianity is still the main religion in Europe today. In art, Roman ____, frescoes and realistic statues influenced artists, especially during the Renaissance period.

Legacy and achievements of Rome

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