Fancy a slice of my grandmother’s prize-winning chocolate cake?, It was once a gorgeous beach, but it has been ruined by pollution., So I’m lying in my bed in the dark and I hear a ‘tap tap tap’ on the window., He put on a blindfold, hopped on a unicycle and then began to juggle bananas., I finally got to the front of the queue and the rude staff refused to serve me., Did you know that the eyes of reindeer change colour from gold to blue depending on the season?, The storm meant we were stuck in the departure lounge for seven hours., I arrived at the exam room, but realised I’d got the time wrong!, What false advertising! The tickets were 40 euros each, but with extra charges they cost me 52 euros., My teacher promised all the students that we’d make good progress if we came to all the classes., All the late-night studying paid off, I got an A+!, My coach said I have a good chance of getting on the team if I continue to train hard., The nerve of that cold caller! I told her I wasn’t interested, but she rang back three times., He’s been in hospital for a week and the doctors still don’t know what’s wrong., We have to move house next week, and I also have a huge assignment due a few days later., Did you hear Ava and Jan’s happy news? They’re engaged!, My business is in trouble – customer numbers have dropped by 80% since last year., My neighbours were burgled last night while they were watching TV., My nose won’t stop running, I must be allergic to one of the plants., Let’s get a puppy! It will be a reason to go for walks and get more exercise, and they’re so cute!.

-ed and -ing adjective reactions (Roadmap B2 - 2C language focus 2)

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