1) Muslims should be toward their teachers: a) rude b) humble c) disrespectful 2) Students should say “……………………….” when talking about Muslim teachers who have passed away. a) Alhamdu lillaah b) Allaahu Akbar c) Rahimahu-llaah 3) What can good friends do? a) Tell you to steal b) Remember Allah c) Make fun of people 4) Which of these manners is correct? a) Yoosuf was rude to his friends in the restaurant yesterday. b) Ali did things that made his friends sad in the last meeting. c) Omar said salaam to his friend when he met him at school this morning. 5) If Muslims get into trouble with their teachers in school, they must: a) run home and tell their parents. b) be rude to their teachers and not respect them. c) apologize if they were naughty. 6) …………….. gave Muslims all the things they have. a) Allah b) Prophets c) People 7) Example of home property: a) Furniture b) Buses c) Telephone boxes 8) In schools, Muslims: a) should not care about their teacher's feelings. b) can do what they want in class. c) care about their teacher's feelings. 9) Good Muslims who: a) Say Hi to their friends. b) Say Salaam to their friends. c) Say Hello to their friends. 10) Muslims make friends with those who have ……………….. a) bad manners b) good manners c) evil deeds 11) What can bad friends do? a) Follow the Sunnah of prophet b) Remember Allah c) Make fun of people 12) Allah …………. Muslims for returning lost property. a) rewards b) punishes c) gives 13) If Muslims find anything that does not belong to them at school: a) they should give it to the teacher. b) they should keep it with them. c) they can damage it. 14) Example of school property: a) Furniture b) Books c) Cars 15) Muslims should keep the classroom clean and tidy. ( ) a) true b) false 16) Muslims must respect their teachers. ( ) a) true b) false 17) Muslim can damage and break his property at home. ( ) a) true b) false 18) Muslims should throw empty sweet wrappers in the bin. ( ) a) true b) false 19) Prophet Moosa joined Khidr on a journey to learn from him. ( ) a) true b) false 20) It is important to keep our clothes dirty. ( ) a) true b) false 21) Muslims must treat all people well. ( ) a) true b) false 22) The lost property must be returned. ( ) a) true b) false 23) Things at school don’t belong to one person only. ( ) a) true b) false 24) Clothes and jewelry are examples of school property. ( ) a) true b) false 25) Muslims should ask the teacher’s permission to use any school property. ( ) a) true b) false 26) Throwing food on the floor is not good. (    ) a) true b) false 27) Property is a trust from Allah. ( ) a) true b) false 28) Prophet Moosa showed …………….. towards his teacher Khidr. a) rudeness b) patience 29) Allah loves those Muslims who are ………………… a) responsible b) messy 30) Muslims look after their …………………….at home. a) friends b) hates c) property 31) Good friends lead to …………………….. a) evil deeds b) good manners 32) Bad friends lead to ………………………. a) evil deeds b) good manners

General Revision G2


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