1) Kdybych byl nemocný, šel bych k lékaři. a) If I was ill, I would see the doctor. b) If I were ill, I would see the doctor. c) If I´m ill, I´ll see the doctor. 2) Kdybych měl horečku, zůstal bych doma. a) If I have a fever, I´ll stay at home. b) If I have a fever, I would stay at home. c) If I had a fever, I would stay at home. 3) Kdyby ses nedíval na TV celý den, nebolela by tě hlava. a) If you didn´t watched TV all day, you wouldn´t have a headache. b) If you didn´t watch TV all day, you didn´t have a headache. c) If you didn´t watch TV all day, you wouldn´t have a headache. 4) Kdybys cvičil, byl bys fit. a) If you did some excercise, you would be fit. b) If you do some excercise, you would be fit. c) If you do some excercise, you will be fit. 5) Kdybys pil víc vody, nebolela by tě hlava. a) If you drink more water, you won´t have a headache. b) If you drank more water, you wouldn´t have a headache. c) If you drank more water, you didn´t have a headache. 6) Kdyby nejedl tolik čokolády, nebolelo by ho břicho. a) If he doesn´t eat too much chocolate, he won´t have a stomachache. b) If he didn´t eat too much chocolate, he wouldn´t have a stomachache. c) If he didn´t ate too much chocolate, he wouldn´t have a stomachache.

Second conditional

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