1) Part or subset of population selected to participate in a research study. a) independent variables b) dependent variables c) sample  d) population 2) Any information that has been collected, observed, generated or created to validate original research findings. a) Variable b) Questionnaires c) interview d) Data 3) Process of breaking a complex topic into smaller parts to gain better understanding of it. a) validity b) Reliability c) Analysis d) Plagiarism 4) Occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used without proper acknowledgement of the original sources. a) Plagiarism b) Primary source c) secondary source d) respondents 5) A complete set of people with a specialized set of characteristics. a) Sample b) Population c) Interview d) Respondents 6) Refers to the accuracy of a measure.  a) data b) Questionnaire c) reliability d) validity 7) Refers to the consistency of a measure. a) validity b) sample c) population d) Reliability 8) Provides direct or first-hand evidence about an event, object, person, or work of art. a) Primary source b) secondary source c) variables d) data 9) Latin terminology which means “for example” a) etc. b) e.g c) et al. 10) Set of questions used to gather information in a survey. a) Interview b) Respondents c) Questionnaire d) population

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