Online banking - customers can access their accounts 24 hours a day, Automatic Teller Machine - connects to a host computer that sends the correct messages to the customer’s bank, Call centres - save banks lots of money as can deal with a large number of calls from customers quickly and efficiently, EFTPOS - enables you to pay for goods using a credit or debit card, EPOS - connects to a central database & computer system, Barcode - used to uniquely identify a product, Medical Research Application - used to model how they think new drugs will work, Medical Diagnostic tool - MRI scanner, Robotic baby that breathes, burps and can be X-rayed - used by student nurses for training purposes, Data Logging - collecting or gathering data over a period of time, Data Logging Advantage - can be used in remote or dangerous situations, Sensor - can measure physical quantities in the surrounding environment, ADC - data collected by the sensor needs to be converted into format understood by computer, Actuator - mechanical device or motor which carries out the action or decision, Feedback - output of a system affects the input, CAD - software that makes it very easy to change or adjust parts of a design, CAD disadvantage - can be very expensive, CAM - makes use of a design to directly manufacture the component,

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