We can play all day., The swing will sway in the wind., I like to play with clay., It is such a gray day., Spray me with bug spray., Can you stay long?, Did you pay the man?, Jane had to stay inside all day long., Which way did he go?, A ray of sun shone in the sky., The string will fray on the end., I will lay away this hat., You may not go., I made a big clay pot., The spray can is on the sink., Can you stay?, That is the way to go., Today is the best day., The drink is on the tray., The subway ride was long., Kay may stay., The gray cat is a stray., Tim will be my playmate., The rash went away., Playtime is fun!, Do no stray from home., The stray cat sat on the step., Playtime will end at ten., Jan will swim in the bay., The stray cat ran away., Did you say that?, Mom will hem the dress, so it will not fray., The jay will fly away., Spray the plant so the bugs will go away., We play on Sunday.,
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