Why Prohibition was introduced: America was a very Christian country. Many Christians linked alcohol consumption to sin, including gambling and prostitution, In 1873 the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was founded, and called for the prohibition (banning) of alcohol, Those who called for Prohibition cited violence by drunk husbands towards their wives and children, It was believed that men wasted their money on alcohol, and so financially neglected their wives and children, The Anti-Saloon League claimed that alcoholism led to ‘idleness’ and crime, WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) sometimes associated alcohol consumption with immigrant communities, and anti-alcohol campaigners played on the prejudice towards immigrants, A lot of beer was imported from Germany. In the aftermath of World War One, anti-German feeling was running high, Why Prohibition failed: Alcohol-related crimes actually increased during the Prohibition era, Gangsters quickly took over the supply of alcohol. They soon became extremely rich and powerful through bribery and violence., Bootleggers (smugglers working for gangsters) smuggled alcohol across the border from Canada, Secret bars or clubs called speakeasies were set up to sell alcohol illegally. They were controlled by gangsters., Many officials, including police and politicians, took bribes from gangsters to ignore the trade in alcohol. , Alcohol was just too popular! People would find a way of getting hold of it…, Prohibition enforcement officers were supposed find and destroy alcohol, and arrest the traders. But there were very few such officers. , It was difficult to enforce: by 1929 40,000 people were in jail for Prohibition offences, and 1,360 people had been killed by police trying to enforce the law. , People set up secret distilleries on farms to produce illegal alcohol , It was clear that the law had been unsuccessful. It was repealed in 1933. ,

Prohibition causes impacts

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