Shell - System component providing a command interpreter by which the user can use a kernel interface and operate the OS., Bash  - Command interpreter and scripting language for Unix-like systems , terminal - software that implements input and output for a command shell, consoles  - device that implements input and output for a command shell. In Linux, multiple virtual consoles support use of a single host by multiple user sessions simultaneously.  , Nano - command line text editor operated by CTRL key combinations, VI/Vim - command line text editor that extends original vi software , PWD - Linux command for showing the current directory , ls - Linux command for listing file system objects , cat - Linux command to combine (concatenate) files , Find - command line Linux tool used to search the file system , grep - Linux command for searching and filtering input. Can be used as a file search tool when combined with ls, cp - command line for copying files in Linux, mv - command line tool moving files to Linux, rm  - command line tool for deleting files in Linux , df/du - command line tool used to report usage in Linux, su  - Linux command allowing a user to use the root account or execute commands restricted to privileged users , chmod - command for managing file permissions, Octal Notation - Linux file permission mode that uses numeric values to represent permissions, chown - Linux command for managing the account owner for files and directories, apt-get - One of the package management tools available in Linux for installing and updating software , yum - Package manager for installing, maintaining, inventorying and removing software from the Red Hat family of Linux distributions , ps command - Linux command for retrieving process information , top command - interactive Linux command for monitoring process information , ifconfig - Legacy Linux command tool used to gather information about the ip configuration of the network adapter or to configure the network adapter, ip command - Linux command tool used to gather information about the IP configuration of the network adapter or to configure the network adapter , dig - Utility to query a DNS server and return information about a particular domain name or resource , samba - Linux software package that implements server message block file/print sharing, primarily to support integration with windows hosts  , cron - Scheduled task that is managed by the Linux cron daemon , Which Linux command will display detailed information about all files and directories in the current directory including system files? - ls-la,


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