1) He ... to a rock concert. a) has gone b) have gone c) go d) has went 2) I ... my homework yet. a) has not done b) have not do c) have not done d) didn't have done 3) Rimma ... the newspapers to him. a) has given b) has gave c) have give d) have gave 4) We ... that new Netflix series. a) has watch b) have watched c) has watching d) has watched 5) We ... each other since high school. a) have knowing b) had knowned c) have known d) have knew 6) My mother... some tropical fruit. a) has bought b) have boughted c) has boughting d) have bought 7) The children ... a mess in the kitchen. a) had made b) has made c) have made d) have make 8) All the students ... their assignments. a) have finishing b) have finished c) has finishing d) has finished 9) He ... most of the time playing games. a) have spent b) having spent c) has spent d) has spend 10) She ... the cafe suddenly. a) has left b) having left c) has lefting d) have left 11) Anna ... a good job. a) found b) has found c) founded d) have found 12) I ... a new flat this year. a) bought b) have bought c) have buy d) buy 13) ... Paul Simon’s latest record? a) Have you heard b) Have you hear c) Have you heared d) Did you have heard 14) Sorry. I ... one of your glasses. a) have broke b) has broken c) has broke d) have broken 15) ... you ever ... to London? a) has / been b) did / have been c) have / been d) have / were 16) I ... him since June. a) didn't have seen b) haven't seen c) haven't saw d) didn't have saw 17) They ... already ... John. a) have / met b) has / met c) have / meet d) has / meet 18) I ... my homework yet. a) didn't have do b) didn't have done c) haven't did d) haven't done

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