1) Jess is ... nurse in a hospital. ... hospital is a long way from her house. a) a, a b) a, the c) the, the d) the, a 2) What ... ! We'll have to eat our picnic in ... . a) a horrible day, the car b) the horrible day, the car c) a horrible day, a car d) the horrible day, a car 3) My wife likes ... but I prefer ... a) love stories, war films b) the love stories, the war films 4) I think ... government is corrupted. I guess it's true for ... whole world a) the / the b) a / a c) a /the 5) I'm having ... dinner with some friends. One of them is ... engineer. a) a, a b) the , the c) -, an 6) My boyfriend is ... chef. He really loves to cook ... meat and fish. a) -, - b) a , the c) the, the 7) In general, I like ..., but I don't like ... that Iive next door to me. a) dogs, dogs b) dogs, the dogs c) the dogs, the dogs 8) l think ... is more important than ... a) happiness, success b) the happiness, the success 9) I've got ... problem. ... problem isn't serious but I need your help. a) the, the b) a, the c) -, the 10) Did you buy ... dress you told me about? - Oh, yeah, it's so beautiful. a) a b) - c) the

Articles a, an, the, -

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