1) W czym jesteś dobry? a) What is you good at? b) What are you good in? c) What are you good at? d) In what you good? 2) Jestem dobry w gotowaniu. a) I am good in cook. b) I am good at cook. c) You are good at cooking. d) I am good at cooking. 3) Nienawidzę chodzić do szkoły. a) I hate school. b) I hate going to school.  c) I hate go to school.   d) I hate to going to school. 4) Ona uwielbia słuchać muzyki.  a) She loves listening to music. b) She love listening to music. c) She loves listen music. d) She loves listening music. 5) Oni nie lubią sprzątać. a) They like cleaning. b) They don't like cleaning. c) We don't like cleaning. d) They don't like clean. 6) On nie lubi pić gorącego. mleka. a) He don't like drinking hot milk b) He didn't like driniking hot milk. c) He not like drinking hot milk. d) He doesn't like drinking hot milk.  7) Czy jesteś szczęśliwy? a) You are happy? b) Is you happy? c) You happy are? d) Are you happy? 8) Co ona robi? a) What is she do? b) What do she do? c) What does she do? d) How does she do? 9) Ile oni mają lat? a) How old are them? b) How old are they? c) How many years do they have? d) How old they are? 10) Moja siostra ma 18 lat. a) My sister has eighteen years. b) My sister have eighteen years.  c) My sister is eighteen.  d) My sister is nineteen. 11) Ile masz pieniędzy? a) How much money do you have? b) How many money do you have? c) How much money you have? d) How many money you have? 12) Ile mamy czasu? a) How many time do we have? b) How much time we have? c) How much time do we have? d) How much time have we? 13) Co to znaczy? a) What it mean? b) What it means? c) How does it mean? d) What does it mean? 14) Czy on jest Twoim chłopakiem? a) He is your boyfriend? b) Does he your boyfriend? c) Is he your boyfriend? d) He isn't your boyfriend. 15) Wy nigdy nie chodzicie do Lidla. a) They never go to Lidl. b) We never go to Lidl. c) You never go to Lidl. d) You never goes to Lidl. 16) Trenuję piłkę nożną w soboty. a) I train football on Saturdays. b) I train football in Saturdays. c) I train football at Saturdays. d) I train football on Sundays. 17) W Polsce szkoła zaczyna się we wrześniu. a) In Poland school start in September. b) In Poland school starts on September. c) In Poland school starts in September.  d) In Poland school starts in October. 18) Jak często pijesz kawę? a) How always do you drink coffee? b) How often do you drink coffee? c) How often does you drink coffee? d) How often do you drink coffe? 19) Raz lub dwa razy dziennie. a) Once or twice a day b) One or two times a day. c) One time or two times per day. d) Once or twice a week. 20) Nie mam czasu. a) I have no time. b) I don't have no time. c) I don't have many time.  d) I haven't got no time.

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