Subcutaneous - A type of medication route using a small gauge needle, VIP Score - How we assess a PIVC, Intramuscular - A medication route using a 21gauge needle, Absorption - What is a factor that impacts metabolism of drug in the body, Five - How many medications would indicate polypharmacy, EGFR - Pathology result to monitor a patient with chronic kidney disease, Anaphylaxis - An acute life threatening reaction to an antigen that the body is hypersensiitive to, Phlebitis - Redness and swelling of the PIVC site, Webster Pack - What is a dose administration aid, Adrenaline - Drug of choice to treat anaphylaxis reaction, Electrolyte - Replace the missing word-To replace and maintain fluid and ? balance, Air Embolism - Possible complication of IV Therapy, is rare but can happen, Hypokalemia - Potasstium level of 2.8mmol, Four - How many hours do you have to transfuse an entire bag of PRBC, Daily weight - What assessment is the most accurate way for the nurse to evaluate if the fluid restriction is successful, Brachial - What is the name of the pulse located in the middle of the arm, Femoral - What is the name of the pulse located in the groin,

Sally Week 2 Term 2 Revision

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