authentic, genuine (painting, watches, document) - real, counterfeit (jewellery, passports, coins) - made to look like a real product, deadly (virus, medicine, snakes) - likely to cause death, fake (clothing, painting, gun) - not real, but made to look or seem real, fireproof (fabrics, door, safe) - unable to be damaged by fire, illegal (sale of cigarettes, fishing, immigration) - not allowed by the law, imperfect (sale items, copies of clothes) - not perfect because of having some mistakes, inferior (quality, goods, materials) - not good, or not as good as something else, legal (immigrants, items) - allowed by the law, original (drawing, manuscript, products) - made by a company or individual and not a copy of something, second-rate (film, hotel, electrical goods) - not very good, sophisticated (computer systems, medical techniques, counterfeits) - made with great skill,

Describing consumer goods

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