1) The monster under the bed is just a ... of your imagination. a) fallacy b) figment c) fabrication 2) Choose the word that means "honest and open." a) candid b) posh c) prankster 3) The article was discredited due to the numerous ... it contained. a) fibs b) antics c) falsehoods 4) Her dealings in the business are always ... and transparent. a) above-board b) reputable c) legitimate 5) The news of an alien invasion was quickly revealed to be a(n) ... . a) hoax b) bluff c) disguise 6) "Conceal" means to: a) admit defeat b) argue openly c) hide something 7) They set up a stupid ... by placing a bucket of water above the door, waiting for an unsuspecting person to walk through. a) bluff b) prank c) antic 8) On hearing the news that she hadn't got the job, she tried to ... her disappointment. a) disguise b) impersonate c) conceal 9) The company ... loads of people out of their savings by promising to invest their money in non-existent businesses. a) freebooted b) scammed c) secreted 10) Despite his failures, he clung to the ... that he was just one step away from success. a) delusion b) impression c) conception 11) There's a widespread ... that longer working hours mean increased productivity. a) allusion b) illusion c) fallacy 12) An indirect reference to something else, such as a person, place, event, or literary work, without explicitly stating it called a) fiction b) allusion c) cosplay

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