1) Until 1664 New York ___ (call) ... a) New Amsterdam b) New Hampshire c) New Liberty 2) The Lord of the Rings films ____ (direct) by ... a) Ridley Scott b) James Cameron c) Peter Jackson 3) The noun which ___ (use) most frequently in conversation is ... a) money b) time c) work 4) Penguins ___ (find) ... a) at the South Pole b) at the North Pole c) in Alaska 5) The Italian flag ___ (design) by ... a) Garibaldi b) Mussolini c) Napoleon 6) The first mobile phones ___ (sell) in .... a) 1963 b) 1973 c) 1983 7) The British politician Winston Churchill ___ (be born) ... a) on a train b) in a toilet c) under a bridge 8) The Statue of Liberty ___ (give) to the United States by ... a) Germany b) the UK c) France 9) The smartphone ___ (invent) by ... a) Apple b) Nokia c) IBM 10) Star Wars was ___ (create) by... a) George Lucas b) Steven Spielberg c) Stanley Kubrick 11) Chess ___ (invent) by... a) the Egyptians b) the Indians c) the Chinese 12) The first Skype call ___ (made) in ... a) 1993 b) 2003 c) 2013 13) Football ____ (play) first by ... a) the British b) the Romans c) the Greeks 14) In 1962 the original London Bridge ___ (buy) by ... a) a rich American b) a museum c) the Royal family 15) The book which ___ (steal) most often from libraries is ... a) The Bible b) The Guinness Book of Records c) The Lord of the Rings

EF pre-int 10C quiz + passive voice

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