tungsten - is used in speakers, gold - a superconductor, lithium - this is mined in Argentina, cobalt - this is mined in the Congo, mineral rights - China has been buying these across Africa, Shenzhen - where the iphone is manufactured, 17 - number of megacities in China, Tesla - an electric car firm from California, Sambre-Meuse - a region of industrial decline, E.T.A - a Basque terrorist group, Wallonia - French speaking region in Belgium, Flanders - Dutch speaking region in Belgium, Del Monte - a fruit company, San Diego - city with a tuna fleet, Sacremento - state capital of California, Central Valley - large irrigation scheme here, aridsols - soil type in deserts, rendzina - soil type derived from chalk bedrock, magnesium - mineral in basalt, feldspar - mineral in granite, fetch - the width of an ocean, laterites - soils baked into a hard crust, virga - rain that evaporates before reaching the ground, ephemerals - flowers with a very short life cycle, calcification - build up of calcium carbonate in soils, synagogue - where Jews pray, mosque - where Muslims pray, hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca, hijab - headdress worn by Muslim women, hal al - Muslim method for butchering,

economic geography match up

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