1) Part 1: Before the mini marathon. "Hi Gwen, I'm sorry I can't come running with you today because I ______ (twist) my ankle. a) have twisted b) twisted c) has twisted d) have twist 2) I ______ (not/be) to the docot's yet but I can't run with this awful _____ in my ankle. a) haven't been; pain b) haven't been; ache c) hasn't been; hurt d) wasn't; pain 3) Last night I ______ (go) to the bath room in the dark and on my way back I _______ (trip) over Mr FLuff. a) went; tripped b) went; triped c) have gone; tripped d) was going; triped 4) Gwen: Oh no! _________ (you/already/put) some ______ on your foot? a) Have you already put; ointment b) Did you already put; prescription c) Has you already putted; ointment d) Have you put already; cream 5) Olivia: No, I haven't. It's so unfair! Yesterday I _________ (buy) some cool new running shoes at the shopping centre and now I can't wear them. a) bought b) have bought c) has bought d) buyed 6) ________ (you/ever/have) an accident, Gwen? a) Have you ever had b) Have you ever have c) Did you ever had d) Had you ever had 7) Gwen: Yes, I have. Last year at the summer camp my friend and I ________ (swim) in the lake when suddenly a boy _______ (jump) in, too, and ______ (fall) on my arm. a) were swimming; jumped; fell b) was swimming; jumped; fallen c) swam; jumped; felt d) were swiming; were jumping; fell 8) Olivia: Oh no! That sounds terrible. I'm sorry, I must go now. My mum _______ (just/come) home and we'll go to the doctor's. a) has just come b) has just came c) just come d) have just came 9) Part 2: asking for directions. "Can you tell me the way to the Horse Gurads, please?" Press yes to continue! a) yes! b) yesss! 10) You need the Central line to Notting Hill Gate. It's only one stop. ______, ______ the Circle Line to Victoria. a) Then, take b) Than, take c) Then, with d) When, take 11) It's just five stops. ______ the Tube and ______ Buckingham Palace Road to Victoria Street. a) get out of; straight on down b) go off; straight down on c) get of; straight d) go out; on down 12) ______ Victoria Street and then you will see Westminster Abbey _____ the right hand. a) Turn right into; on b) Turn right of; in c) Go right into; of 13) _____ till Parliament Square and _____ across the Bridcage Walk. The Horse Guards ____ on the right hand. a) Walk; then; are b) Go; than; are c) Go; then; is d) Walk; than; is 14) Part 3: Error spotting. "You have already heared of the mini marathon, didn't you?" a) correct b) you have already heard c) you have already hear d) you already have heard 15) "You have already heared of the mini marathon, didn't you?" a) correct b) haven't you c) did you d) have you 16) It's a marathon for young peoples and they often run for a charity. a) correct b) people c) persons d) teenagers 17) They ask their friends or parents to spend money and then the charity becomes the money. a) correct; correct b) to give; gets c) correct; becames d) to give; correct 18) Last year Gwen ran for "See with your heart", a charity who helps people who can't see very well. a) correct; correct b) which; correct c) correct; which 19) Sometimes there are people who run in fancy costumes, too.  a) correct b) are there c) there is d) is there 20) Last year there have been two runners in a cat and a dog costumes. a) correct b) there was c) there are d) there were 21) While everybody was waiting for the race to start, they jumped from left to right all the time. a) correct b) were waiting c) waited d) have waited 22) While everybody was waiting for the race to start, they jumped from left to right all the time. a) correct b) were jumping c) was jumping d) jumped 23) When the race started, Gwen and Luke ran so fast like they could. a) correct b) as fast as c) as fast like d) so fast as 24) They didn't saw the cat and the dog for a few miles, but near the finish line they were there again. a) didn't see b) correct c) haven't seen d) weren't seeing 25) And suddenly the cat and the dog stopped to take a selfie! a) correct b) were stopping c) stoped d) have stopped 26) One boy fell over because of them and hurt his ankle! Guess what: the cat and the dog were Dave and Jay! They actually felt really bad after the race. a) correct b) fell c) were felt d) have felt 27) They said sorry to Gwen, but she answered that they mustn't say sorry to her, but to the boy who didn't finish the race because of them. a) correct b) needn't c) can't d) didn't must 28) They said sorry to Gwen, but she answered that they mustn't say sorry to her, but to the boy who didn't finish the race because of them. a) correct b) didn't finished c) haven't finished d) weren't finishing 29) Part 4: Mediation. "Hello everyone from TTS! I _____ (interview) Gwen from 6C now." a) am interviewing b) interview c) was interviewing 30) "You must _____ _____!" a) train; a lot b) training; a lot of c) to train; lots of d) train; a lots 31) "Was it difficult to _____ in the marathon?" a) run b) ran c) running 32) "What are you ______ (do) when you're ______?" a) going to do; old b) going to do; older c) go to do; old d) go to do; big 33) "I also like to help children _____ haven't got much money." a) who b) which c) that d) where 34) "I was really happy and I _____!" a) couldn't believe it b) can't believe it c) can't believet d) couldn't believe 35) "Why _____ in a Paralympics Marathon?" "Because I _____ well..." a) did you run; can't see very b) are you ran; can see very c) did you ran; can see where d) are you run; can't see where

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