a: Did you remember ___ your sister? b: No, I forgot. I’ll phone her tomorrow. - a: Did you remember to call your sister? b: No, I forgot. I’ll phone her tomorrow. (OR to ring, to phone), John was in hospital when he was a small child. He remembers ___ in hospital. - He remembers being in hospital., I must remember ___ the bank about that strange withdrawal. - I must remember to email the bank about that strange withdrawal. (OR to phone, to contact), I must remember ___ shopping later - we have no food! - I must remember to go shopping later - we have no food!, We're going for a walk - don't forget ___ your umbrella. - We're going for a walk - don't forget to bring your umbrella., Ava was bitten by a dog when she was four. She doesn’t remember ___ bitten. - She doesn’t remember being bitten., When you see Steve, remember ___ hello to him from me. - When you see Steve, remember to say hello to him from me. , I'll never forget ____ my favourite singer - such an amazing experience. - I'll never forget meeting my favourite singer - such an amazing experience., Oh no! I forgot ___ the windows when we went out. - Oh no! I forgot to shut the windows when we went out. (OR to close), Maria said she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. She doesn't remember ____ to be a doctor - She doesn't remember wanting to be a doctor., Once Paul fell into the river. He still remembers ___ into the river. - He still remembers falling into the river., Did you remember ___ your homework? - Did you remember to do your homework?, Michael cried on his first day at school. He doesn’t remember ___. - He doesn’t remember crying., Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember ___ it by the window and now it isn't there - I clearly remember leaving it by the window and now it isn’t there. (OR putting), Can you remember ___ the shirts from the dry-cleaner's ? They'll be ready this arvo. - Can you remember to pick up the shirts from the dry-cleaner's ? They'll be ready this arvo. (OR to get, to collect),

Remember and forget with -ing and infinitive

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