1) Would you like_____________apple juice? a) many b) a few c) some d) any 2) There is ____________ food in the fridge. a) many b) much c) any d) a few 3) How____________does your computer cost? a) many b) some c) any d) much 4) There are ______________books on the table. a) any b) much c) many d) a little 5) Is there _____________ vegetable in the fridge? a) any b) many c) very d) a lot 6) There are a __________ eggs in the basket a) little b) much c) many d) few 7) He is very rich. There is ____________money in his wallet. a) some b) any c) many d) much 8) How ___________water does he drink? a) much b) many c) some d) any 9) Don't eat so_____________ chocolate or you will get fat. a) many b) some c) much d) any 10) There is _____________ butter left. We need to buy______________. a) few/any b) little/some c) much/many d) few/some


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