domestic appliance - devices used to keep up households (e.g. vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, a blender, ...), download - to transfer a file from the Internet or other computer to your own computer, mobile device - a computing gadget small enough to hold in your hand, search engine - software that finds websites and other information related to a specific topic, unfold - to develop or become clear, to open or spread out something, to become open and flat, take pride in sth/sb - to feel very pleased about something or someone you are closely connected with, predict - to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience, up-to-date - modern, recent, or containing the latest information, accuracy - the fact of being exact or correct, the ability to do something without making mistakes, suited to/for - right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation., sentence to...for... - to say officially in court that somebody is to receive a particular punishment., spend money on - to use money to buy sth, literally - using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase, look into sth - to examine the facts about a problem or situation, handy - useful or convenient, built-in - forming a part of something that cannot be separated from it, monitor - to watch and check a situation carefully, notify - to let someone know; to inform, take into account - to consider or remember something when judging a situation,

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