a pesar de - in spite of, una beca - a scholarship, el desempeño - performance, castigar - to punish, castigado - punished, el género - gender, el golpe de estado - coup d'etat, el techo - the ceiling, roof, cavando - dig, descentralizada - not close, exploración - exploration, extraer - to extract, geólogos - geologists, inhóspita - inhospitable, muestras - samples, yacimiento - to deposit, el ambiente - the environment, atrapados - trapped, el cobre - copper, defraudar - to disappoint, el derrumbe - collapse, cave in, la desviación - deviation, departure from course, las empanadas - cheese, meat filled pies, las etapas - stages, fallar - to fail, hallar - to find, hallarlos - to find them, la perforadora - drill, los taladros - drills, refugiarse - to take refuge,

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