1) What two interesting facts did you learn from your project? Why do you think so? 2) What else would you like to know about the topic? Explain. 3) How do you think you will be able to use what you’ve learned in the future? Explain. 4) What fact or facts were most unexpected for you and why? Give examples from your project and explain why. 5) What parts of the project were the most challenging to work on? Give examples from your project and explain why they were challenging. 6) Would you recommend this topic to others, why or why not? Give examples from your project to support your answer. 7) If you had more time to do your project, which facts would you like to learn more about? Give examples from your project and explain. 8) Do you think you might share what you learned about the topic with others? Give examples from your project and explain. 9) What did you already know about the topic and did you find out you were right? Explain through examples from your project. 10) What was the most difficult part of the project for you and why? Give examples from your project and explain why. 11) What topics in your project would you like to know more about and why? Give examples from your project and explain why. 12) What skills do you feel you improved doing your project? Give examples from your project, of what helped you improve these skills and explain. 13) What did you learn about your strengths and weaknesses while working on the project? Give examples from your project, of what helped you learn about your strengths and weaknesses and explain. 14) What was the most interesting thing you learned from your project and why? Give examples and explain why. 15) Which resources were most useful for you and why? Give examples of the resources and explain why they were most useful. 16) How easy or difficult was it to find all the information you were looking for while doing the project? Give examples from your project of information that was easy or difficult to find and explain why this is so.

COBE - Project Questions


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