Ocean waves are formed when ____ is transferred from the ____ to ocean ____. Most ocean waves form when ____ in the ____ is transferred to the ocean’s ____. ____ blows across the water’s surface and transfers energy to the ____. The energy is then carried by the ____, usually all the way to the ocean ____.​ Have you ever wondered why ocean waves are different ____? When ____ begins to blow over ____, small waves, or ____, form. If the wind keeps blowing, more ____ is transferred to the ripples. They grow into larger ____. The ____ the wind blows in the same ____ across the water, the more energy is transferred from the wind to the water, and the ____ the waves become.​ Wind transfers ____ to the water. As the energy ____ through the water, so do the ____. But the ____ itself does not ____ with the energy.​ If a seagull were on an ocean wave, it will ____ in approximately the same ____as the wave travels from left to ____. The ____ and the seagull do ____ move with the wave, but only rise and ____ in ____ movements. This circular movement of water is generally the ____ at the ocean surface. Wave energy affects only ____ water. ____ water is not affected by the ____ of surface waves.​


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