1) What force is acting downwards? a) Gravity b) Mass c) Weight d) Heavy 2) Which direction will the rocket move? a) It will be stationary b) Upwards c) Downwards d) Fall over 3) Calculate the resultant force a) 300 N b) 100 J left c) 100 N right d) 100 N left 4) Calculate the resultant force a) 450N b) 900N c) 900N left d) 0N e) 900N right 5) If an object is in equilibrium, what does this mean? a) The forces are unequal b) The forces are more than 8N c) The forces are balanced 6) What is Newton's first law of motion? a) Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force b) F=ma c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction 7) What is Newton's second law of motion? a) Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force b) F=ma c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction 8) What is Newton's third law of motion? a) Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force b) F=ma c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction 9) What can a light gate used for in physics lessons? a) Light a bunsen burner b) It can be used to accurately time moving objects in experiements c) Make it easier to see experiments 10) What slows things down? a) Push b) Pull c) Friction 11) Which two forces are acting on this skydiver? a) Gravity b) Mass c) Weight d) Air resistance 12) Which force is greatest at A? a) Weight b) Air resistance 13) What is happening between C-D a) Acceleration b) Deceleration c) Terminal velocity 14) Why is terminal velocity reached? a) Weight is stronger than air resistance b) Weight and air resitance are balanced c) Air resistance is stronger than weight 15) What has momentum? a) All moving objects b) All stationary objects 16) Complete the equation, momentum = a) speed / time b) mass / velocity c) mass x velocity 17) Momentum is conserved, what does this mean? a) Momentum after the collision is the same as it was before. b) Momentum after the collision is smaller than it was before. c) Momentum after the collision is bigger than it was before. 18) What is kinetic energy? a) All objects off the ground have this b) Movement energy c) Thermal energy 19) What happens to the weight of an object if it is taken to the moon? a) Increases b) Decreases c) Stays the same 20) What happens to the mass of an object if it is taken to the moon? a) Increases b) Decreases c) Stays the same 21) Which of these has the most gravitational potential energy? a) Door mat b) A snowball at the top of Mount Everest c) Paint brush in art 22) When a force makes an object move, which of these is correct? a) Energy is transferred b) Work is done c) Both A + B 23) What is the correct equation for work done? a) Force x distance b) Velocity x mass c) Mass x acceleration 24) What shape is this graph? a) Directly shaped b) Direct mass c) Directly proportional d) Directly positioned

L.c. Physics motion and Newton’s laws


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