1) BAŞ AĞRISI a) an earache b) a headache c) a cough d) the measles 2) ATEŞ a) a fever b) a stomachache c) runny nose d) the flu 3) KAĞIT MENDİL, PEÇETE a) medicine b) painkiller c) plaster d) tissue 4) DİŞ AĞRISI a) a toothache b) a backache c) a headache d) a cold 5) BİR DOKTORA GÖRÜNMEK a) stay in bed b) take medicine c) see a doctor d) visit relatives 6) DİŞ HEKİMİ/DOKTORU a) nurse b) doctor c) dentist d) patient 7) YORGUN GÖRÜNMEK a) look happy b) look ill c) look excited d) look tired 8) KULAK AĞRISI a) a headache b) a stomachache c) a fever d) an earache 9) ŞEKER YEMEK a) eat candy b) eat breakfast c) eat lunch d) eat junk food 10) ACI ÇEKMEK, ACITMAK, AĞRIMAK a) need b) hurt c) feel d) stay 11) DİNLENMEK a) take medicine b) see a doctor c) take syrup d) have a rest 12) ALÇI, YARA BANDI a) plaster b) pill c) tissue d) blanket 13) HAPŞIRMA(K) a) a cold b) cut c) hurt d) sneeze 14) BURUN AKINTISI a) runny nose b) a fever c) a backache d) the measles 15) KIRIK BACAK a) broken heart b) broken finger c) broken arm d) broken leg 16) GRİP a) the measles b) the flu c) a sore throat d) an earache 17) KESİK a) sneeze b) medicine c) cut d) tissue 18) İLAÇ İÇMEK/ALMAK a) have a pain b) take medicine c) feel well d) have a rest 19) İHTİYAÇ, İHTİYAÇ DUYMAK a) eat b) take c) hurt d) need 20) SAĞLIK a) health b) clinic c) patient d) pill 21) AĞRI KESİCİ a) blanket b) plaster c) painkiller d) tissue 22) BATTANİYE a) medicine b) cut c) candy d) blanket 23) Sude has ........ a) a headache b) a toothache c) a sore throat d) a runny nose 24) Tina has ........................ . a) a cold b) a fever c) a backache d) the measles 25) AĞIR ŞEYLER (EŞYALAR) KALDIRMAK a) stay in bed b) see a doctor c) take medicine d) carry heavy things 26) Senin sorunun/rahatsızlığın nedir? a) What is your name? b) Where are you from? c) What is the matter with you? d) What do you do after school? 27) Circle the WRONG one. (Yanlış eşleşmeyi işaretleyiniz) a) a headache b) a toothache c) a fever d) the measles 28) Circle the WRONG one. (Yanlış eşleşmeyi işaretleyiniz) a) a runny nose b) a sore throat c) a cough d) an earache 29) Sarah has a cut on her finger. She needs .............. . a) syrup b) a blanket c) a plaster d) medicine 30) Circle the WRONG one. (Yanlış eşleşmeyi işaretleyiniz) a) medicine b) syrup c) blanket d) tissue 31) Kevin has .............. . He should stay at home. He shouldn't go to bed. a) the flu b) the measles c) a headache d) an earache 32) ÖKSÜRÜK a) a fever b) a backache c) a cough d) sneeze 33) KÖTÜ HİSSETMEK a) feel tired b) feel well c) feel happy d) feel bad



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