Would you rather use surf on a big wave or swim in a big wave? Why?, Would you rather drive a van with no brakes for one block or drive a van that only goes a very fast speech for 1 mile? Why?, Would you rather only do division problems for a day or only do adding for a week? Why?, Would you rather live in a cave for a day or never be able to go to the beach? Why?, Would you rather see an alive lobster 4 feet away or see a live crab 2 feet away? Why?, Would you rather fly to Venus or fly to Saturn? Why?, Would you rather have a violin in your desk that played music every time you opened it or have to say I love you every time you walked through a door? Why?, Would you rather have gopher teeth for a month or beaver teeth for a week? Why?, Would you rather always have to vacuum every time someone said the "very" or always have to sweep when someone said the word "love"? Why?, Would you rather be a lifeguard for the rest of your life or a vet for the rest of your life? Why?, Would your rather live in the forest for a month or live by the ocean for a month? Why?, Would you rather have elf pointy ears or be as small as an elf? Why?, Would you rather have a face with no eyes or a face with no nose? Why?, Would you rather move to Venus or move to Mars? Why?, Would you rather have a pet wolf or a pet viper snake? Why?, Would you rather cough or sneeze every time someone said "of? Why?, Would you rather have to leave a room every time someone said "from" or sit down right where you are every time someone said, "if"? Why?, Would you rather be a chef for the rest of your life or a scuba diver for the rest of your life? Why?, Would you rather live by a river or live by a lake? Why?, Would you rather laugh uncontrollably every time someone sneezed or cough every time some sneezed? Why?.

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