1) убирать комнату a) tidy my room b) eat plants c) make a cake d) have a guitar lesson 2) кормить животных a) listen to the teacher b) climb trees c) have a guitar lesson d) feed animals 3) просыпаться поздно a) play soccer b) eat too much chocolate c) tidy my room d) wake up late 4) лазить по деревьям a) climb trees b) laugh c) clean teeth d) tidy my room 5) иметь урок фортепиано a) have a piano lesson b) climb trees c) eat plants d) eat in class 6) смеяться a) put rubbish in the bin b) laugh c) eat too much chocolate d) clean teeth 7) играть в футбол a) play soccer b) feed animals c) listen to the teacher d) eat in class 8) есть в классе a) wake up late b) eat in class c) climb trees d) clap hands 9) чистить зубы a) do homework b) have a piano lesson c) listen to the teacher d) clean teeth 10) есть слишком много шоколада a) play soccer b) eat plants c) talk in class d) eat too much chocolate 11) слушать учителя a) listen to the teacher b) play soccer c) wake up late d) eat leaves 12) печь торт a) make a cake b) do homework c) climb trees d) listen to music 13) хлопать в ладоши a) clap hands b) play soccer c) clean teeth d) feed animals 14) слушать музыку a) listen to music b) put rubbish in the bin c) make a cake d) have a guitar lesson 15) есть листья a) clap hands b) wake up late c) eat leaves d) make a cake 16) есть растения a) listen to the teacher b) clap hands c) wake up late d) eat plants 17) иметь урок по игре на гитаре a) have a guitar lesson b) climb trees c) listen to music d) eat plants 18) делать домашнее задание a) listen to the teacher b) eat plants c) clean teeth d) do homework 19) болтать в классе a) do homework b) put rubbish in the bin c) listen to the teacher d) talk in class 20) выбрасывать мусор в корзину a) eat too much chocolate b) put rubbish in the bin c) eat in class d) talk in class

Spotlight 4 Module 4


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