1) Save energy ! Don't ................... it. a) pollute b) protect c) waste 2) Exhaust fumes ....................... the atmosphere. a) reduce b) pollute c) protect 3) Protect the ...........................! a) pollution b) landfills c) environment 4) You can ................... a bottle of water . a) reduce b) reuse c) save 5) ................. batteries .Don't throw them away! a) reduce b) recharge c) remember 6) Take ................... ! Save the planet ! a) action b) act c) bins 7) ................. the lights when you leave your bedroom. a) take off b) turn off c) turn on 8) Use ..................... paper. a) recycled b) rechargeable c) polluted 9) If we all do our ...................., our planet will survive. a) good b) better c) best 10) A ship with toxic ................... sank yesterday. a) waste b) landfills c) plants 11) Keep the sea .................! a) polluted b) recycled c) clean 12) The world is in our ...................! a) steps b) heads c) hands 13) Don't ............... water ! Turn off the tap ! a) spend b) waste c) run 14) A clean Earth is a .................Earth ! a) Happy b) Sad c) Dirty 15) Tomorrow morning we’re handing out …………….. to persuade pupils to recycle. a) leaflets b) campaigns c) papers 16) Why don't we ............... a recycling project at school ? a) play b) persuade c) organize 17) Our planet is under threat because of ................... change. a) floodings b) climate c) drought 18) Yesterday we took ............... in a planting expedition. a) place b) part c) seat 19) What can we do to save our planet ? a) We can pollute the atmosphere b) We can produce waste c) We can reduce waste d) We can recycle and reuse e) We can plant trees f) We can cut down trees 20) The most serious threats for the forests are a) fires b) recycling c) droughts and floodings d) planting trees e) building development f) atmospheric pollution 21) We are trying to ............................... our clasmates to recycle. a) threaten b) persuade c) hand out 22) People usually ............................. fires in the forests. a) reuse b) cut down c) cause



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