1) We use Present Progressive for: a) an action happening at the moment b) for the past c) for the future d) for routine 2) Present Progressive is formed by: a) using ...ing b) using 'to be + ...ing' c) using 's' d) by using to be going to 3) What are they doing? a) They dancing right now. b) They are dance right now. c) They are danceing right now. d) They are dancing right now. 4) What is the woman doing? a) She is swiming. b) She is swim. c) She is swimming. d) She swimming. 5) What are you and your friends doing? a) We are studying. b) We are study. c) We are studing. d) We studying. 6) What is the woman doing? a) She is joging. b) She is jog. c) She is jogging. d) She jogging. 7) Is the woman cooking? a) Yes, she is. b) No, she isn't. c) Yes, the woman cooking. 8) What are you doing? a) I playing wordwall online. b) I am plaing wordwall online. c) I am playing wordwall online. 9) Which sentence is correct? a) The teacher is working English. b) The teacher helping English. c) The teacher is doing English. d) The teacher is teaching English. 10) Which sentence is correct? a) My friends and I am listening to the teacher. b) My friends and I are listening to the teacher. c) My friends and I listening to the teacher. d) My friends and I am listenning to the teacher. 11) Which sentence is correct? a) She reading a book. b) She is reading a book. c) She is readding a book. d) She read a book.

Present Progressive


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