1) Why did Charles IV abdicated in his son? a) Because the people asked him to abdicate b) Because he allowed Napoleon to go across Spain 2) Why did Ferdinan VII stop being the king? a) Because Napoleon forced him b) Because Joseph Bonaparte wanted a Constitution 3) When did the War of Independence start? a) 1814 b) 1808 c) 1812 4) Where did the War of Independence start? a) In Cádiz b) In Madrid c) In Portugal 5) Why was the Constitution of Cádiz important? a) Because the people had more rights b) Because Joseph was the king c) Because it was a Absolute Monarchy 6) What is a Constitutional Monarchy? a) The king has all the power b) The Constitution has all the power c) The king and Constitution have the power 7) What is an Absolute Monarchy? a) They king has all the power b) The Constitution has all the power c) The king and the Constitution have all the power 8) Why did Isabella II become the queen? a) Because Ferdinan VII abdicated b) Because Ferdinan (his father) died 9) When did the First Republic start? a) 1974 b) 1812 c) 1873 10) What happened at the end of the century? a) Spain was a republic b) Spain lost the last colonies c) Spain lost the first colonies 11) What is a republic? a) The king has all the power b) The Constitution has all the power c) The king and the Constitution have all the power



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