1) How many times does your heart beat on average in a minute? a) 72 b) 73 c) 75 d) 74 e) 62 f) 60 2) Which side of the heart is thicker? a) Right side b) Left side 3) Red blood cells break down every 120 days, where? a) Pancreas b) Bone Marrow c) Liver d) Thorax 4) Platelets .... a) Clot the blood b) Fight infection c) Carry oxygen around the body cells 5) These cells have a biconcave discs a) Red Blood Cells b) White Blood Cells c) Platelets 6) The function of Lymphocytes is to a) engulf bacteria b) produce antibodies  7) Arteries have no valves a) True b) False 8) Semilunar valves are located in the a) Venacava and Pulmonary Vein  b) Aorta and Pulmonary Artery c) Aorta and Pulmonary Vein 9) Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke interferes with the transfer of Oxygen: a) True b) False 10) The function of the Lymphatic System is: a) To store lymphocytes b) To produce antibodies c) To transport fat to the surface of the skin d) All of the above


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