(-) GAMES CONSOLES - IN 1999, (+)  ANTENNAS - IN  1979, (-) AN IPHONE 6 - IN 1492 , (+) A STORM - 3 days ago, (-) CINEMAS - IN 1620, (-) A SMART TV - 1980, (+) BLACK AND WHITE  TELEVISION - 1927, (-) LAPTOPS - IN 1970, (-) YOUTUBERS - some  years ago, (+) A LOT OF PEOPLE - at the concert yesterday. , (+) ROTARY TELEPHONES - fifty years ago , (-) SKYSCRAPERS - in1825, (+) CASSETTE - in my grandmother´s house , (+) DISKETTES - in 1997, (+) a TOWN HALL in 1910 in Colón - NOW (+) A restaurant , (+) STATUES in this area in the park many years ago - NOW (-) ANY STATUES , (+) A CAR REPAIR´S SHOP on the corner of San Martín and Salta .

There was/ There were in our city


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