1) I walk to school. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 2) I refill my water bottle. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 3) I turn off the water when I brush my teeth. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 4) I donate my old clothes. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 5) I turn off the lights when I leave the room. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 6) I put paper in the proper bin. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 7) I put cans in the proper bin. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 8) I put plastic in the proper bin. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 9) I put cardboard boxes in the proper bin. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 10) I use a lunchbox instead of a plastic bag. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 11) I write on the back of my paper. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle 12) I take shorter showers. a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: what can we do?


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