Adam is 15. He hasn't finished school ____. Sam likes mountain climbing. He's ____ climbed Pen y Fan. He's at the summit now having a picnic. What do you think of my new car? I've ____ bought it. Colin is only 49 but he's ____ retired. Hairdressers in Wales have reopened but I haven't made an appointment ____. Thank you for the magazine but I've ____ read this month's issue. Jessica has had 50 driving lessons but she hasn't passed her driving test ____. Five ways to make your hair look like you've ____ stepped out of the salon. Debbie has ____ moved into a new house. She hasn't met the neighbours ____. Marcia has ____ won the lottery! She hasn't claimed her prize ____. Colin has ____ become a grandparent. He hasn't seen his grandchild ____. Angelina is only 25 but has ____ made $1 million. She's ____ sold a hotel. Sam has ____ climbed Mount Everest six times. He hasn't climbed K2 ____. Emma is 22. She's ____ divorced her first husband. She hasn't finished university ____. Are you friends here ____ Oh, I can see they've ____ arrived. My arm is a bit sore. I've ____ had my first Covid vaccination but my mother in law has ____ had both jabs. Adam is 15. He hasn't finished school ____ but he can ____ speak three languages and he's ____ started learning Mandarin. What do you think of my new car? I've ____ bought it and I've ____ driven to London and back. I haven't had to refuel ____. Mo has ____ qualified as a pilot. He's ____ flown from London to Paris but he hasn't flown transatlantic ____. My son has ____ turned 12. He's ____ got bigger feet than me but he isn't taller than me ____.

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