1) What did you do last weekend? a) I had lunch with my family. b) I played video games. c) I watched TV. 2) What did you do yesterday? a) I had lunch with my family. b) I played video games. c) I watched TV. 3) What did you do last Saturday? a) I played video games. b) I had lunch with my family. c) I watched TV. 4) What did you do last weekend? a) I rode my bike. b) I played video games. c) I went swimming. 5) What did you do last weekend? a) I did my homework. b) I rode my bike. c) I went swimming. 6) What did you do last weekend? a) I rode my bike. b) I went swimming. c) I did my homework. 7) What did you do last weekend? a) I used the computer. b) I went swimming. c) I rode my bike. 8) What did you do last weekend? a) I went to the doctor. b) I went swimming. c) I went to the supermarket. 9) What did you do last weekend? a) I went to the doctor. b) I went swimming. c) I slept a lot. 10) What did you do last weekend? a) I went to the doctor. b) I slept a lot. c) I went swimming. 11) What did you do last weekend? a) I went swimming. b) I slept a lot. c) I had a barbecue with my family. 12) What did you do last weekend? a) I had a barbecue with my family. b) I helped my mum in the house. c) I slept a lot. 13) What did you do last weekend? a) I went out for a run. b) I went swimming. c) I went to the supermarket. 14) What did you do last weekend? a) I rode my bike. b) I helped my mum in the house. c) I read a book. 15) What did you do last weekend? a) I cooked a meal. b) I read a book. c) I rode my bike.

What did you do last weekend?


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