Alexander the Great ____ the King of Macedonia and ____ to be one of the most brilliant military men He was only 20 years old when he ____ king, after his father ____. The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle ____ Alexander's teacher, and ____ him in medicine, logic, philosophy, morals, and art. In 331 BC he ____ Alexandria and ____ the important Battle of Gaugamela. His biggest enemy ____ the Persians. So, to stop them, he ____ their ports instead of attacking the ships, because Alexander did not have a strong navy. Alexander ____ Roxane of Bactria in 327 BC and they ____ one son named Alexander IV of Macedon. He also ____ Stateira II of Persia, in 324 BC, which ____ a political marriage. Alexander the Great died on June 11th, 323 BC. It is not sure if someone ____ him, or if he ____ from a disease such as typhoid fever or even an infection. After Alexander the Great ____, his body was preserved in honey, which ____ a method of avoiding decay. There ____ many speculations about what ____ Alexander’s death and it remains one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. Another mystery is what ____ to Alexander's tomb. After his death, they ____ Alexander’s body eventually in a tomb in Alexandria, Egypt. Its location ____ known, but at the end of the fourth centrury AD, all the written records about Alexander's tomb ____ and it still remains hidden.

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