1) Gill managed to get _____ from the man and call the police a) on b) back c) away d) through  2) Can you take me _____ home after the cinema? a) on b) back c) away d) through  3) I never lend books because I never get them _____. a) in b) on c) back d) through 4) She never misses an occasion to show ______ her new clothes a) in b) on c) off d) through  5) She worked hard and managed to get _____ Cambridge University.  a) on b) in c) into d) to 6) I tried your number several times but I couldn't get _____. a) by b) through c) back d) in 7) Let me show you _____ this beautiful place! a) by b) through c) around d) in 8) What time do you usually get _____ work? a) off b) on c) in d) across


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