My name is Lelly, and I am 56. I am ____ Italy. I ____ with my family in Sarzana. We live in a big house. There ____ five bedrooms in our home. I have ____ the same routine. In the morning, I get ____ at six-thirty. My husband ____breakfast for the ____ family. After breakfast I ____ home and I go to ____ my clients and suppliers. I ____ women's bags. I ____ my job. At ____ I usually eat with my kids, then I work at home: I ____ my emails, I ____ phone calls, I ____ for new materials, I try to satisfy my customers' ____. Twice a week, I ____ two or three hours ____ my English work, because my teacher is very demanding. At 6:30 p.m. I have my yoga session, afterwards I ____a shower and then I ____the dinner ready for my family, who are usually very hungry (and demanding).


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