1) it keeps the blood full of oxygen a) circulatory system b) respiratory system c) digestive system 2) It is is the chemical reaction that produce energy by burning food in presence of oxygen producing carbon dioxide a) digestion b) respiration c) circulation 3) the place where gas exchange takes place a) bronchi b) Alveoli c) bronchus 4) It is a thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest. a) vertebrates b) muscles c) diaphragm 5) the inner layer of alveoli is covered with a) oil b) moisture 6) Gas exchange is the swapping of a) Hydrogen and oxygen b) Oxygen and carbon dioxide c) oxygen and water 7) they relax to push air out of lungs a) the walls of alveoli b) intercoastal muscles c) the end of the trachea 8) The  process of moving air in and out of the lungs a) Breathing b) respiration c) circulation 9) The effect of exercise on the respiratory system a) increase the fitness b) increase the load on the body c) affects the heart 10) It conducts inhaled air into the lungs a) The lungs b) The trachea c) the bronchus

respiratory system


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