1) Don't eat nachos before lunch. You ... eat your meal.  a) won't b) will 2) You should work in the project otherwise you ... get a good grade. a) will b) won't 3) Don't forget to bring your umbrella, it ....... rain. a) won't b) will 4) I feel sick so.......... stay at home.  a) I'll b) will 5) ....... you play videogames at night ? No, I ...... a) wont-won't b) will-will 6) When you are on the beach, you ...... have a wonderful time. a) will b) won't c) I'll 7) Keep working and you ......... be able to buy a car. a) won't b) will 8) -- I am hungry -- I ........ make you a sandwich. a) will b) won't 9) I am sick whereby I .... go to the school. a) will b) won't 10) I ......... sleep, I am tired. a) won't b) will 11) The baby fell, I bet he ..... cry. a) Won't b) Will 12) What ....... they drink? a) You will b) will c) Will you

will wont


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