APPLICATION - A letter or form with detalis of your qualifications, skills, experience....sent to a form or company when rqeuesting to be considered for a job or position , CURRICULUM VITAE - A short written description of your previous jobs and work sent when looking for a new job, EMPLOYEE - Someone who is paid to work for someone else, EMPLOYER - A person, company or organization that employs people, FULL - TIME - Work a full number of hours considered normal or standard, WORKER - A person who does a particular job to earn money, TRAINEE - A person whos is practising the skills of a particular job or profession, HIRE - Employ someone, INTERVIEW - An oral examination of a candidate for a job, APPRENTICE - Works for skilled employer in order to learn a trade , INTERNSHIP - A student or recent graduate who works for a period of time to gain pratical experience, FLEXTIME - A system that allows people to choose the time they start and finish their work, PART - TIME - Work fewer hours or days than is considered standard, OVERTIME - Work more than the number of hours required in contract,


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