1) What can turtles do? a) They can swim b) They can walk c) They can hop d) They can run 2) Can a bird fly? a) No, it can't b) No, it can c) Yes, it can d) Yes, it can't 3) Can a shark walk? a) No, it can b) Yes, it can c) No, it can't d) Yes, it can't 4) What can ducks do? a) They can ride a bike b) They can fly a kite c) They can swim d) They can play soccer 5) Dogs can't _____________ a) walk b) run c) swim d) fly a kite 6) What animal is this? a) This is a giraffe b) This is a girafee c) This are giraffes 7) What can the boys do? a) They can ride a bike b) They can swim c) They can play soccer 8) What can the girl do? a) She can ride a bike b) She can't ride a bike 9) Can frogs hop? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't 10) What can the girl do? a) She can swim b) She can play football c) She can skip. 11) What can the monkey do? a) It can't ride a bike b) It can ride a bike c) It can walk d) It can run 12) Where is the snake? a) It's under the rock b) It's in the tree c) It's on the rock



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