1) Yesterday, I .... to school. a) go b) goed c) went 2) Yesterday, I.... a hamburger. a) eat b) ate c) eated 3) Yesterday, I .... a dinosaur. a) see b) seed c) saw 4) Yesterday, we ...... Science. a) studied b) study c) studyied 5) Yesterday, my dad ..... TV. a) watch b) watched c) wotch 6) Yesterday, the boys ________ an exam a) tooked b) took c) take 7) Yesterday, I ...... go to the cinema. a) not b) don't c) didn't 8) Yesterday, the teacher ___________ (teach) the irregular and regular verbs. a) teached b) taught c) teach 9) Yesterday, my sister..... piano. a) play b) plays c) played 10) Yesterday, the students ..... sushi. a) don´t  eat b) Didn´t  eat c) Doesn´t  eat 11) Yesterday, Roberta and Diego _________ ___ in the concert  a) Don´t sing b) Didn´t sing  c) Doesn´t sing  12) Yesterday, Cristiano Ronaldo ___________ in Germany a) Don´t play b) Doesn´t play c) Didn´t play 13) Which is the auxiliar for "past simple"? a) Do b) Does c) Did 14) _________ Ronaldo play in Spain? a) Does b) Do c) Did 15) ___________ Duchess Catherine marry Prince William ? a) Do b) Did c) Does

Yesterday (Past simple)


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